According to the notice of the Chinese Medical Foundation (CMB), the CMB will immediately solicit CMB China & Building Capacity for Overseas Work items from China's colleges and designated universities and health institutions. The project declaration requires Chinese medical colleges/health institutions to cooperate with well-known overseas universities or related institutions, and require multi-sectoral and multilateral cooperation in reporting. The CMB will fund three projects, each of which will be worth $200,000. The implementation period will be 2018-2021.
The purpose of this tender is to cultivate young scholars with experience and ability in Africa or Asian countries. Based on China's global health strategy goals (see the "Belt and Road" and "Health Silk Road" high-level seminar "Beijing Communique" in August 2017), this tender focuses on medical safety, maternal and child health, and health policy. , hospital management, human resources, Chinese medicine, health systems, vaccines and pharmaceutical industry bidding.
The project declaration is divided into two steps, submitting a 1-2 page summary and submitting a complete bid invitation. The written requirements and timing of the abstract and the complete bid are found in the annex.
According to the spirit of CMB bidding documents and relevant project declaration meetings, relevant units and individuals with relevant resources and qualifications are encouraged to apply for this project. All units (hospitals and institutes) shall submit a tender abstract ( to the CMB Project Management Office of our school before December 20th. At that time, relevant experts in the university will be organized to discuss and evaluate, and three abstracts submitted to the CMB will be identified. The CMB Project Management Office will submit the request to the CMB on the 31st.
Contact: Wu Zhigang 88877945
International Cooperation and Exchange Division